Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

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Khoom cim npe

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Cov lus teb (2)

Cov neeg yuav khoom txaus siab yog peb lub hom phiaj tseem ceeb ntawm.Peb txhawb nqa ib qib zoo ib yam ntawm kev tshaj lij, kev ua tau zoo, kev ntseeg siab thiab kho rauCabin Size Suitcase, Hnab Hnab, Trolley Abs Luggage, Peb yuav ua peb qhov zoo tshaj plaws kom txaus siab lossis tshaj cov neeg siv khoom ua ntej nrog cov khoom zoo, cov tswv yim siab heev, thiab cov tuam txhab lag luam thiab lub sijhawm.Peb txais tos txhua tus neeg siv khoom.
Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​Detail:

2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb mos lub nra teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws


Xaiv cov ntsiab lus me me hauv lub thawv ntim khoom yog tus yuam sij rau xaiv.Muaj xya cov ntsiab lus uas yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau thaum yuav khoom.

Nov yog qhov kev txheeb xyuas ib qho los ntawm ib qho:

Thawj qhov yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau yog lub log.

Nws raug pom zoo kom xaiv ntau lub log thiab cov hnab looj tes roj hmab.Ntawm lawv, ntau lub log nrog ntau qhov sib txawv ntawm lub hauv ntej thiab nram qab lub log yog ruaj khov thiab tsis yooj yim rau kev koom tes;cov roj hmab log yog mos thiab sib dua, thiab tsis muaj suab nrov thaum taug kev.

Qhov thib ob uas yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau yog txoj hlua khi.

Rub tus pas nrig thiab thawb nws sai sai thiab muab faib ua ob peb ntu, uas yog qhov kev xaiv saum toj kawg nkaus;koj tuaj yeem xaiv tus qauv tsim uas tus pas nrig thiab lub rub tawm tau rov qab rau hauv lub hnab, lub log thiab tus pas nrig tsis yooj yim rau kev puas tsuaj thaum kuaj xyuas, thiab nws kuj yog qhov yooj yim hauv lub txee dai khaub ncaws.

Qhov thib peb yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau yog xyuas seb nws puas tuaj yeem nqa qhov hnyav thaum xaiv lub hnab tawv tawv.

Thaum muaj kev cuam tshuam, koj tuaj yeem nteg lub thawv tiaj tus, muab cov khoom hnyav rau ntawm lub plhaub, lossis sawv ntawm lub thawv rau kev sim.Yog tias lub thawv zoo tsim nyog, tsis muaj teeb meem kiag li.

Qhov thib plaub uas yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau yog qhov ntim.

Txoj kab nqes tsim style ntawm lubhnabmuaj ib tug thickened tsim nyob rau hauv qab, thiab lub ntim yog loj tshaj lub upright style.Qhov chaw me me.360-degree log los yog hauv-kab loglub nratuaj yeem txav mus los hauv qhov chaw nqaim.(Faj seeb: Lub hnab ntim hauv lub log tsis yooj yim rau rub thaum taug kev, tab sis lub hnab ntim khoom yooj yim rau crook, tab sis nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau kev taug kev hauv nqaim aisles.

Qhov thib tsib yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau yog tus nuv.

Xaiv lub thawv rau khaub ncaws nrog tus qauv tsim, uas tuaj yeem ua rau nws yooj yim rau dai lub hnab mus txawv tebchaws thaum koj mus ncig.Lub hnab ntim khoom tshiab nrog plaub-sided xauv tsim tshwj xeeb yog pom zoo, uas yog firmer thiab muaj zog dua thaum kuaj xyuas.

Qhov thib rau qhov chaw yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau yog lub pulley bracket.

Lub thawv ntim khoom nrog cov txheej txheem kev txhawb nqa ntawm ib sab ntawm lub pulley yog ruaj khov dua li qhov tsis muaj.Txawm li cas los xij, cov kauj ruam yooj yim ntawm ntau kab ntawm lub log yog qhov zoo dua, thiab koj tuaj yeem xaiv raws li koj xav tau.

Lub xya qhov chaw yuav tsum tau them sai sai rau yog tus tuav daim npav ua lag luam.

Ntauhnabtam sim no tshem tawm tus tsim ntawm lub lag luam daim npav tuav, thiab lub lag luam daim npav tseem yog ib qho kev nthuav dav me me.Yog tias koj tsis muaj, koj yuav tsum ua koj tus kheej kom tsis txhob yuam kev.Yog tias koj poob nws, koj tuaj yeem xa rov qab sai sai.


Dab tsi yog tus cwj pwm ntawm tus qauv 3PCS teeb lub nra?


1. nylon
2. 20 "24" 28" 3 PCS teeb lub nra
3. Spinner ib lub log
4. Hlau trolley system
5. OMASKA hom
6. Nrog expandable ib feem (5-6CM)
7. 210D polyester hauv ob sab phlu
8. Txais customize hom, OME / ODM xaj

Warranty & Support

Khoom Warranty:1 xyoo

Cov qauv twg yog cov qauv muag kub tshaj plaws ntawm koj lub Hoobkas?

8014 #4PCS teeb lub nra yog peb cov qauv muag kub tshaj plaws

Product details duab:

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Cov Neeg Siv Khoom Siv Lub Npe Zoo rau Waterproof Laptop Trolley Hnab - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb lub nra mos teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​nthuav dav duab

Yam khoom Guide:
Kev koom tes

Nrog peb cov kev tswj hwm zoo, muaj peev xwm ua tau zoo thiab kev tswj xyuas nruj, peb txuas ntxiv muab peb cov neeg siv khoom zoo, tsim nyog tus nqi thiab cov kev pabcuam zoo.We aim at becoming one of your most trustworthy partners and earning your satisfaction for Good User Reputation for Waterproof Laptop Trolley Bag - 2020 OMASKA tshiab 3pcs teeb mos lub nra teeb lub thawv rau khaub ncaws - Omaska ​​, Cov khoom yuav muab rau thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb no, xws li: Lithuania, Montreal, Nepal, Ua kom txhua tus neeg siv khoom txaus siab rau peb thiab ua tiav kev yeej-yeej, peb tseem yuav sim peb qhov zoo tshaj plaws los pab thiab txaus siab rau koj!Ua siab zoo tos ntsoov rau kev koom tes nrog ntau tus neeg muas zaub txawv teb chaws raws li kev sib nrig sib pab thiab kev lag luam zoo yav tom ntej.Ua tsaug.
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