Ko te wheketere e hoko ana i nga Huekete 4 Wira - te haere a Korea he nylon parewai kopa te peeke rokiroki haerenga peeke rokiroki haere peeke Jacquard peeke whakamaarama kakahu - Omaska

Ko te wheketere e hoko ana i nga Huekete 4 Wira - te haere a Korea he nylon parewai kopa te peeke rokiroki haerenga peeke rokiroki haere peeke Jacquard peeke whakamaarama kakahu - Omaska

Whakaahuatanga Poto:

Taipitopito Hua

Tohu Hua

Ataata e pa ana

Urupare (2)

Kei te haere tonu matou ki te whakanui me te whakapai i a matou otinga me a matou ratonga.I te wa ano, ka kaha taatau ki te mahi rangahau me te whakarei ake moTueke Haerenga Pepe, 4 Wira Peeke Oxford parewai, Hoahoa Tou ake kete, Ka mihi matou ki nga kaihoko katoa me nga hoa ki te whakapiri mai ki a maatau mo nga painga taapiri.Ko te tumanako ki te mahi umanga pakihi taapiri me koe.
Ko te wheketere e hoko ana i nga Huekete 4 Wira - te haere a Korea mai i te nylon e kopa ana i te peeke rokiroki haerenga peeke rokiroki haere peeke Jacquard peeke whakamaarama kakahu - Omaska ​​Taipitopito:

Nga korero hua

Tae wātea: Black, L.blue, D.blue, Pink, Whero

Rahi Hua 46*14.5*31CM
Taumaha Tūemi 0.24KGS
Taumaha Kere 0.25KGS
Tari Pukoro peke
Moko Omaska, te waitohu Whakaritea ranei
tauira tūemi C15-3-01#
Kaihoko pai rawa atu 1805#, 1807#, 1811#, 8774#, 023#,1901#

Pūtāhui me te Tautoko

Pūtāhui Hua:1 tau
Haerere korekore korea nairona kopa haere peeke rokiroki haere peeke rokiroki peeke Jacquard peeke whakamaarama kakahu

Whakaahua taipitopito hua:

Ko te wheketere e hoko ana i nga Huekete 4 Wira - Kokoi te nylon parewai mo te haere mai i Korea he peeke rokiroki haerenga peeke rokiroki haere Peeke Jacquard peeke whakamaarama kakahu - Pikitia taipitopito Omaska

Ko te wheketere e hoko ana i nga Huekete 4 Wira - Kokoi te nylon parewai mo te haere mai i Korea he peeke rokiroki haerenga peeke rokiroki haere Peeke Jacquard peeke whakamaarama kakahu - Pikitia taipitopito Omaska

Ko te wheketere e hoko ana i nga Huekete 4 Wira - Kokoi te nylon parewai mo te haere mai i Korea he peeke rokiroki haerenga peeke rokiroki haere Peeke Jacquard peeke whakamaarama kakahu - Pikitia taipitopito Omaska

Aratohu Hua e Pa ana:
Mahi tahi

"I runga i te maakete o-whare me te whakawhanui i nga pakihi ki tawahi" ko ta maatau rautaki whanaketanga mo te wheketere hoko 4 Wira Koeke - Ko te haere a Korea te nairona whakakopa i te peeke rokiroki haerenga peeke rokiroki haere Peke putea Jacquard peeke whakamaarama kakahu - Omaska ​​, Ka tukuna te hua ki te ao katoa, penei: Nicaragua, Belize, Croatia, Hei kaihanga mohio ka whakaae ano matou ki te ota kua whakaritea ka taea e matou te rite ki to pikitia, tauira tauira ranei.Ko te whainga matua o ta maatau kamupene ko te noho mahara pai ki nga kaihoko katoa, me te whakarite hononga pakihi mo te wa roa me nga kaihoko me nga kaiwhakamahi puta noa i te ao.
  • He kaihoko tino ngaio tenei, ka tae mai matou ki ta raatau kamupene mo te hoko, te kounga pai me te iti. 5 Whetu Na Judy mai i USA - 2017.10.27 12:12
    He pai te kounga, he utu tika, he momo taonga me te ratonga tino pai i muri i te hoko, he pai! 5 Whetu Na Judy mai Dominica - 2018.06.12 16:22
    Tuhia to korero ki konei ka tukuna mai ki a matou

    I tenei wa karekau he konae e waatea ana